Carrying medicine carries risk - protect yourself with the power of the private domain!
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Church Establishment
Forming a sacred medicine church is a vital element to staying protected when serving psychedelics for religious and spiritual purposes

Ecclesiastical Trusts
Opting to put your church into a private ecclesiastical irrevocable trust creates a robust second layer of protection for everyone involved

Religious Doctrine
Considering legal precedent while defining your religious beliefs, ethics, values & other elements offers even more empowerment and security

Clementine Kruczynski is an autistic researcher and educator with a profound special interest at the intersection of entheogenic use under religious liberty and the private domain of law.
She uses her superpowers of information synthesis, hyperfocus, and artistic expression to bring this highly complex topic to any audience she works with in a way that they can easily understand.
When called to co-found her own medicine church in 2017, she began the uphill climb of researching in this area, and saw how intense of a process it is to sort out.
She researched the law around medicine churches for 4 years before stumbling across the private domain, studying under a former Texas judge, and then branching out into the financial and trust law realm under another dedicated mentor, who trained her and greatly expanded her skills, and continues to.
Clementine considers it an honor to share this knowledge and is passionate about her work, as well as her ongoing research and growth!

Nothing on this website is to be construed as legal or tax advice. By visiting this website you agree to not interpret nor claim anything in this document as legal, accounting, or tax advice, now or in the future. Everything on this website, and all of Clementine's social media accounts and groups, is presented to you as educational material and a step in your own research journey, where you are your own final authority.